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125 Half Mile Road Suite 200
Red Bank, NJ 07701
United States

Monday - Friday
8 am - 2 pm
3 pm - 7 pm

125 Half Mile Road Suite 200
Red Bank, NJ 07701

Monday - Friday
8 am - 2 pm
3 pm - 7 pm

Restructuring Your Business Debt

How It Works

Learn How We Are The Best

You're in control, our team does the work.

Chat with Us
Tell us your situation, then find out your restructure options - no obligation.
Create a Plan
Approve your plan, unique to you from our Experts.
Get Out of Debt
Take back your business in as little as 6 to 18 months

Our Restructuring Compared to other Debt Reduction Methods

Below are different results based on a Merchant Cash Advance of $45,000 with a factor rate of 1.6

Eastern Financial Partners Debt Restructuring


Counseling / Legal


Minimum Payments


Important Points

  • You're not cheating the system / beating the bank system with us; lenders are still profiting from the bulk settlements we arrange
  • We restructure your debt, create a picture of hardship with cash flow analysis to demonstrate to lenders the negative effects the debt is having on your business
  • We can lower the payments by as much as 50% or more and cut the term length by up to 30%
  • Once enrolled & after your first payment, you will have legal protection for your business
  • Our business is full disclosure, seeking to put money back in your pocket, not into the pockets of predatory lenders
  • Our restructuring does not affect your credit

How Are We Effective?

When a business enrolls with Eastern Financial Partners, their negotiating power exponentially grows because of our "package bargaining," or bulk settlement.

When our attorneys submit new terms to lenders, they batch thousands of accounts at once monthly to increase everyone's savings potential. The influence of 10,000 accounts vs. one account on your own is staggering, allowing us to get you the best terms possible for your restructure.

Good to Know

Frequently Asked Questions

Education is paramount, and we strive to make sure our clients fully understand their current situation, along with what is to be expected. If you have any questions, please feel free to share them with us.
What can the lenders do to me?

MCA Lenders can call and harrass you, your friends, your family, and your clients.

They can garnish your payment processing methods, suffocating your business's cash flow.

Worst of all, they can take you to court in the jurisdiction of their choice, place a lien on your business & even possibly your possessions, and add additional fees / charges to the existing MCA agreement.

What services do you offer?

We provide business debt restructuring for businesses with Merchant Cash Advances only. We specialize in MCA negotiations, making us the best choice in the country for businesses restricted by MCA terms.

How does debt restructuring work?

Every business's debt is unique and the restructuring plan is on a case by case basis, however in a general term, we analyze your debt commitments and your payment schedules, and based on the lenders, we can determine how much of the commitments can be renegotiated.

Our attorneys submit over $20 million in debt restructure settlements to various lenders, and our relationships with them allow us to give you the best new terms to open up your business cash flow, along with getting you out of the debt faster than on your own.

Can I afford this?

Your daily or weekly Merchant Cash Advance payments are usually exorbitantly high, and when we renegotiate your MCA terms, the new payment will be lower than what you are paying now, the principal balance will be lower, and our service charges will be already included in your lower payment.

We are in the business of helping small to medium-size businesses, making sure they stay running & keep their cash flow profitable.

What are some common mistakes to avoid?

Do not reverse consolidate your loans, which is taking out a new Merchant Cash Advance to pay for your other advances. This significantly raises the factor rate / interest on the initial principal, costing you 2-3 times the original amount.

Also, make sure to include all of your business debt to your financial advisor, and include a history statement for each MCA you may have.

Reach Out Today

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